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Monday, December 16, 2019

The Treaty Of Versailles Ended World War I - 1498 Words

From 1914 to 1918, the world was overshadowed by a horrific war-World War 1. The Treaty of Versailles ended World War 1 with the hopes of no more wars in the future, however nobody expected it to be to foundation of the next catastrophe in Europe-World War 2. World War One that lasted from 1914-1918 was one of the most horrific wars in history. Europe was devastated and covered in a veil of anger and bitterness. Millions of people died or were wounded. Many cities in Europe were completely destroyed, infrastructure was down, and people who were not killed by war or by the Spanish flu were starving to death. Europe was not able to function normally. Especially the part of Europe in the north-east was just a pile of rubble. Finally in†¦show more content†¦German delegates were not allowed to be part of the negotiations so was Russia but could voice her opinion. The treaty mandated that Germany was responsible for financial reparations and completely reduces its army and all production of military weapons. Land was to be redistributed. Kaiser Wilhelm was to be tried by an international court. The goal was to establish world trade and world peace and punish the Germans for all the destruction they caused. President Wilson was mostly interested in establishing peace and built a working world trade network. He tried to avoid a too aggressive punishment for German and did not believe in blaming a country for starting this war. Therefore he presented his fourteen points: President Wilson wanted to eliminate secret treaties, remove all trade barriers and guarantee freedom of the oceans. All countries were to reduce their armed forces to the lowest level. One important key of his fourteen points was that all ethnic groups in Europe would receive their own country without any interference from foreigners; he wanted self-determination for all people in Europe. German troops should evacuate Belgium, Austria-Hungary and Poland must become independent countries. A League of Nations was to be established to protect peace and independence of their member countries. Britain’s Prime Minister David Lloyd George had different ideas. First of all he wanted to protect his public image for any fut ure

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